Wednesday, December 9, 2009

On the Way to Kruger......

For my last few days in South Africa, I headed off to Kruger National Park with Andrea, another Doris Duke fellow. Kruger is located in northwestern South Africa, on the borders with Zimbabwe and Mozambique. About 5 hours outside of Johannesburg. As is to be expected, however, Murphy's Law came into effect and we got a flat tire halfway there:

Or maybe not so much flat as destroyed.....

Andrea looks excited here. But believe me, she was not. Quite the opposite. We're not exactly skilled mechanics but we do have the jack in there......
Suddenly I looked up and saw this:
This guy seemed to literally descend from the clouds. I was scared at first and about to go into ninja mode, but warmed up when he introduced himself by saying:

"Hi I'm Corne. I was behind you two and saw you swerve. When I saw it was just you two ladies, I thought I'd stop to help."

Why Thank -You Corne!

me watching Corne work...

documenting the situation is tres important!

and off he goes....
So our tire was fixed.
Life was good.
And we learned that there are some incredibly good people out there.


  1. I think you should find this Corne guy again... Africa: offering research and cute guys to save the day =D
